Monday 2 October 2017

Atlantica Online Trading Post Guide

Infographic TimberPost Object (ImageClass TimberImage PostClass TimberPost TermClass TimberTerm objekttype innlegg innhold: beskyttet getterms: beskyttet permalink: beskyttet greenpeace. orgusa neste: beskyttet Array () prev: beskyttet Array () klasse post-296 side type side status-publiser henty id 296 ID 296 postforfatter 96 postcontent postdate 2015-05-04 20:05:31 postexcerpt postparent 0 poststatus publiser posttone Greenpeace USA posttype side slug home page editlock 1487715993: 11 editlast 11 wppagetemplate gpusa-home. php heroimage 57253 heroimage field5547d46339d5e herotitle Stig opp til stopp Dakota Access Pipeline Tell Citibank for å stoppe finansieringen i dag. herotitle field5547d47f39d5f herobuttontext ta handling herobuttontext field5547d48b39d60 herourl secure3.conviogpeacesiteAdvocacycmdisplaypageUserActionid2066ssrchero herourl field5547d49539d61 customheaderimageid htmlpagetitle htmlpagetitle field554d1b87acb28 featuredactions Array (0 57093 1 5708 4 2 57096) featuredactions field554d17fe1a757 featuredblogs Array (0 57359 1 57330 2 57320) featuredblogs field554d185e78983 featuredstoriesvictories TimberPost Object (ImageClass TimberImage PostClass TimberPost TermClass TimberTerm objekttype innlegg innhold: beskyttet getterms: beskyttet permalink: beskyttet neste: beskyttet Array () prev: beskyttet Array ) klasse post-57089 historier type historier status-publisere henty kategori-klima kategori-demokrati kategori-protest id 57089 ID 57089 postforfatter 11 postcontent postdate 2017-01-25 12:11:16 postexcerpt postparent 0 poststatus publisere posttitle Kraftig motstand, En fet handling om gangen posttype historier slug powering-the-resistance-one-bold-action-at-a-time dwlsfirstimage editlock 1485393363: 11 editlast 11 imagevideo 57090 imagevideo field5539b146b4973 showonpage false showonpage field558aa7e995c6a superheader superheader field5539b43b64305 htmlpagetitle htmlpagetitle field554d1b87acb28 su btitle undertekstfelt5539b3413c3cf descriptiveparagraph Karen Topakian er en av syv Greenpeace-aktivister som deployerte et massivt banner av motstand over Det hvite hus 25. januar 2017. Les hvorfor shes tar tiltak for å stoppe Trumps angrep på klimaendringer og hvordan du kan bli med på bevegelsen for å beskytte mennesker og planeten. descriptiveparagraph field5539b34c3c3d0 body caption idattachment57103 alignalignnone width800 Greenpeace-aktivister distribuerer et banner på en byggekran i nærheten av det hvite hus som leser RESIST på President Trumps femte dag på kontoret. Aktivisterne ringer til de som vil motstå Trumps angrep på miljø, sosial, økonomisk og pedagogisk rettferdighet for å stige opp for en bedre USA. Det er ingen bedre tid å handle for klima og samfunn enn akkurat nå. Vårt demokrati er under angrep. I de kommende timene, dagene, månedene og årene, må vi alle handle på våre verdier. Så i dag, det er det jeg gjør. Når jeg skriver dette, er jeg med på å bli med seks andre Greenpeace-aktivister for å henge en massiv håndmalt motstandsbonus der Trump og hans klima-nektende administrasjon ikke kan ignorere det. Og hvis du leser dette, betyr det at vi lyktes. twitterKarenTopakianstatus824295855775772673 Dager som i dag er hvorfor jeg føler meg privilegert å delta i denne bevegelsen, og å være en del av en organisasjon som aldri vil slutte å kjempe for hva som er riktig. Jeg føler meg energisk å vite at banneret som snart skal fly over hodet mitt, står for noe kraftig, men det som inspirerer meg mest, er å se hva folk som deg gjør over hele verden samtidig som du opptrer og handler modig på en million forskjellige måter . Hvis vi skulle overvinne Trumps angrep på klimautviklingen, trenger vi så mange som mulig å kjempe sammen med oss. Du mobiliserer av tusenvisen til å motstå Trumps rasistiske, klimabestemmende kabinettutnevnelser, noe som gjør Exxons administrerende direktør og nåværende statsminister Nominee Rex Tillersons bekreftelsesprosess en av de mest kontroversielle i historien. Du tar på gata med millioner av mennesker, marsjerer i solidaritet med kvinner og de som Trumps-administrasjonen har lovet å angripe, dwarf nummeret til dem som kom ut for hans innvielse. Og du puster livet i denne bevegelsen med aktivismen din, organisasjonen din, og din forpliktelse til en visjon av Amerika langt bedre enn den ene Trump selger. twitterKarenTopakianstatus824282924963033088 Som styreleder for Greenpeace Inc. vet jeg hva denne organisasjonen med folk som deg i sentrum har kraften til å skape. Så lenge denne administrasjonen er i kraft, vil vi iverksette tiltak mot alle odds, og vi vil gjøre det umulige mulig. Greenpeace har brukt uvilkår for å motstå tyranniske mobber siden 1971, og skulle ikke stoppe nå. Når Trump forsøker å svekke Paris Climate Agreement slik at fossile brensel selskaper kan tjene på klimautslettelse, vil vi motstå. Når han forsøker å spore farlige prosjekter som Keystone XL og Dakota Access rørledninger uten hensyn til urfolks suverenitet, vil vi motstå. Når han prøver å blokkere samfunnene våre fra å bygge den rene energi fremtiden vi fortjener, vil vi motstå. Så lenge det tar, vil jeg fortsette å jobbe sammen med folk som om du skal bygge en verden som er grønn, fredelig og bare. I dag sender jeg et håndmalt kjærlighetsbrev til folket på denne planeten. I morgen håper jeg at du skal stå ved siden av meg i motstand. bildetekst idattachment57090 alignalignleft width150 Karen Topakiancaption Karen Topakian er Greenpeace Inc. styrestol. Hun startet sin karriere på Greenpeace i San Francisco i 1987, da hun ble med i Nuclear Free Seas-kampanjen. Den 25. januar 2017 var hun en av syv Greenpeace-aktivister som utplasserte en massiv, håndmalt banneravlesning RESIST for Trump-administrasjonen og verdenen å se. body field554d1b057e0cb quote Greenpeace har brukt nonviolence til å motstå tyranniske bullies siden 1971, og skulle ikke stoppe nå. sitat field554d1f4de4bc4 quotesource Karen Topakian, aktivist og Greenpeace Inc. styrestol citeringsfelt field554e6e67f0d14 relatedcontent relatedcontent field555dcb92b0186 maxgallerytype yoastwpseofocuskeywords oembedbcd885665ebff7a0405195dbb0769848 Rapportering lever med Greenpeace fra toppen av en kran over Det hvite hus som viser en 70 ft banner med denne meldingen. pic. twitterECuaiYLpCU mdash Karen Topakian (KarenTopakian) 25 januar 2017 oembedtimebcd885665ebff7a0405195dbb0769848 1485364205 oembed54bf76faf10d931f31387b2a9a1c9232 mdash Karen Topakian (KarenTopakian) 25 januar 2017 oembedtime54bf76faf10d931f31387b2a9a1c9232 1485364219 oembede978e8c007f58f46e2cfe18f87be6491 iverksette tiltak mot alle odds. Gjør det umulige mulig. Kjemp, fortsett og vinn. Dette er hva vår motstand ser ut. ResistOften mdash Karen Topakian (KarenTopakian) 25 januar 2017 oembedtimee978e8c007f58f46e2cfe18f87be6491 1485364451 yoastwpseoopengraph-image greenpeace. orgusawp-contentuploads201701GP0STQH1LWebsizewithcreditline. jpg yoastwpseotwitter-image greenpeace. orgusawp-contentuploads201701GP0STQH1LWebsizewithcreditline. jpg postdategmt 2017-01-25 17:11:16 commentstatus stengt pingstatus lukket postpassword postname powering-the-resistance-one-bold-action-at-a-time topping pinged postmodified 2017-01-25 20:15:07 postmodifiedgmt 2017-01-26 01:15:07 postcontentfiltered guid greenpeace. orgusaposttypestories038p57089 menuorder 0 postmimetype commentcount 0 filter raw status publiser tilpasset Array (dwlsfirstimage editlock 1485393363: 11 editlast 11 imagevideo 57090 imagevideo field5539b146b4973 showonpage false showonpage field558aa7e995c6a superheader superheader field5539b43b64305 htmlpagetitle htmlpagetitle field554d1b87acb28 tekst undertekst felt5539b3413c3cf de scriptiveparagraph Karen Topakian er en av syv Greenpeace-aktivister som deployerte et massivt motstandsbann over Det hvite hus 25. januar 2017. Les hvorfor shes tar tiltak for å stoppe Trumps angrep på klimaendringer og hvordan du kan bli med på bevegelsen for å beskytte mennesker og planet. descriptiveparagraph field5539b34c3c3d0 body caption idattachment57103 alignalignnone width800 Greenpeace-aktivister distribuerer et banner på en byggekran i nærheten av det hvite hus som leser RESIST på President Trumps femte dag på kontoret. Aktivisterne ringer til de som vil motstå Trumps angrep på miljø, sosial, økonomisk og pedagogisk rettferdighet for å stige opp for en bedre USA. Det er ingen bedre tid å handle for klima og samfunn enn akkurat nå. Vårt demokrati er under angrep. I de kommende timene, dagene, månedene og årene, må vi alle handle på våre verdier. Så i dag, det er det jeg gjør. Når jeg skriver dette, er jeg med på å bli med seks andre Greenpeace-aktivister for å henge en massiv håndmalt motstandsbonus der Trump og hans klima-nektende administrasjon ikke kan ignorere det. Og hvis du leser dette, betyr det at vi lyktes. twitterKarenTopakianstatus824295855775772673 Dager som i dag er hvorfor jeg føler meg privilegert å delta i denne bevegelsen, og å være en del av en organisasjon som aldri vil slutte å kjempe for hva som er riktig. Jeg føler meg energisk å vite at banneret som snart skal fly over hodet mitt, står for noe kraftig, men det som inspirerer meg mest, er å se hva folk som deg gjør over hele verden samtidig som du opptrer og handler modig på en million forskjellige måter . Hvis vi skulle overvinne Trumps angrep på klimautviklingen, trenger vi så mange som mulig å kjempe sammen med oss. Du mobiliserer av tusenvisen til å motstå Trumps rasistiske, klimabestemmende kabinettutnevnelser, noe som gjør Exxons administrerende direktør og nåværende statsminister Nominee Rex Tillersons bekreftelsesprosess en av de mest kontroversielle i historien. Du tar på gata med millioner av mennesker, marsjerer i solidaritet med kvinner og de som Trumps-administrasjonen har lovet å angripe, dwarf nummeret til dem som kom ut for hans innvielse. Og du puster livet i denne bevegelsen med aktivismen din, organisasjonen din, og din forpliktelse til en visjon av Amerika langt bedre enn den ene Trump selger. twitterKarenTopakianstatus824282924963033088 Som styreleder for Greenpeace Inc. vet jeg hva denne organisasjonen med folk som deg i sentrum har kraften til å skape. Så lenge denne administrasjonen er i kraft, vil vi iverksette tiltak mot alle odds, og vi vil gjøre det umulige mulig. Greenpeace har brukt uvilkår for å motstå tyranniske mobber siden 1971, og skulle ikke stoppe nå. Når Trump forsøker å svekke Paris Climate Agreement slik at fossile brensel selskaper kan tjene på klimautslettelse, vil vi motstå. Når han forsøker å spore farlige prosjekter som Keystone XL og Dakota Access rørledninger uten hensyn til urfolks suverenitet, vil vi motstå. Når han prøver å blokkere samfunnene våre fra å bygge den rene energi fremtiden vi fortjener, vil vi motstå. Så lenge det tar, vil jeg fortsette å jobbe sammen med folk som om du skal bygge en verden som er grønn, fredelig og bare. I dag sender jeg et håndmalt kjærlighetsbrev til folket på denne planeten. I morgen håper jeg at du skal stå ved siden av meg i motstand. bildetekst idattachment57090 alignalignleft width150 Karen Topakiancaption Karen Topakian er Greenpeace Inc. styrestol. Hun startet sin karriere på Greenpeace i San Francisco i 1987, da hun ble med i Nuclear Free Seas-kampanjen. Den 25. januar 2017 var hun en av syv Greenpeace-aktivister som utplasserte en massiv, håndmalt banneravlesning RESIST for Trump-administrasjonen og verdenen å se. body field554d1b057e0cb quote Greenpeace har brukt nonviolence til å motstå tyranniske bullies siden 1971, og skulle ikke stoppe nå. sitat field554d1f4de4bc4 quotesource Karen Topakian, aktivist og Greenpeace Inc. styrestol citeringsfelt field554e6e67f0d14 relatedcontent relatedcontent field555dcb92b0186 maxgallerytype yoastwpseofocuskeywords oembedbcd885665ebff7a0405195dbb0769848 Rapportering lever med Greenpeace fra toppen av en kran over Det hvite hus som viser en 70 ft banner med denne meldingen. pic. twitterECuaiYLpCU mdash Karen Topakian (KarenTopakian) 25 januar 2017 oembedtimebcd885665ebff7a0405195dbb0769848 1485364205 oembed54bf76faf10d931f31387b2a9a1c9232 mdash Karen Topakian (KarenTopakian) 25 januar 2017 oembedtime54bf76faf10d931f31387b2a9a1c9232 1485364219 oembede978e8c007f58f46e2cfe18f87be6491 iverksette tiltak mot alle odds. Gjør det umulige mulig. Kjemp, fortsett og vinn. Dette er hva vår motstand ser ut. ResistOften mdash Karen Topakian (KarenTopakian) 25.01.2017 oembedtimee978e8c007f58f46e2cfe18f87be6491 1485364451 yoastwpseoopengraph-bilde greenpeace. orgusawp-contentuploads201701GP0STQH1LWebsizewithcreditline. jpg yoastwpseotwitter-bilde greenpeace. orgusawp-contentuploads201701GP0STQH1LWebsizewithcreditline. jpg)) featuredstoriesvictories field554d18bd750f0 backgroundimage 52810 backgroundimage field554d19cb60809 artikler Array (0 316 1 320 2 324 ) artikler field554d19f16080a infographicnarrative Nevermind som Shells planlegger å bore for olje bidrar til den onde syklusen av global oppvarming. Klimaet i Arktis kan være alvorlig og uforutsigbar, noe som gjør sannsynlig og katastrofalt oljespill. infographicnarrative field554d1c4924c2b primarygraphic 52806 primarygraphic field554d1c8324c2c informasjon Array (0 informasjon en informasjon 2 informasjon) informasjon field554d1ca324c2d secondarygraphic 52808 secondarygraphic field554d1d2124c30 information0datum 30M information0datum field554d1cd224c2e information0datumdescription Antall støttespillere over hele verden information0datumdescription field554d1ce524c2f information1datum 0 information1datum field554d1cd224c2e information1datumdescription Mengde penger weve akseptert fra bedrifter information1datumdescription field554d1ce524c2f information2datum 55 information2datum field554d1cd224c2e information2datumdescription Antall land der vi driver informasjon2datodescription field554d1ce524c2f fortellende Greenpeace vil aldri slutte å kjempe for en grønnere og sunnere verden for våre hav, skog, mat, klima og demokrati, noe som betyr hva krefter står i veien for oss. fortellende felt554d1c4924c2b featuredgallery Array (0 52830 1 57040 2 52770 3 47982 4 56123 5 56607 6 56433 7 52917 8 46885 9 47650 10 48546 11 48822) field554e6b43a3fc7 tagline Vi trenger din stemme Bli med oss ​​tagline field55521a36172e9 ctatagline Vi trenger din stemme. Bli med oss ​​ctatagline field55521a36172e9 ctabuttontext Registrer deg ctabuttontext field555a5d3e15e01 primarymenucta 57096 primarymenucta field555a67ece5dfe secondarymenucta 57084 secondarymenucta field555a6808e5dff tertiarymenucta 57093 tertiarymenucta field555a6817e5e00 primarypagecta 395 primarypagecta field555a68577fa35 secondarypagecta 466 secondarypagecta field555a68677fa36 tertiarypagecta tertiarypagecta field555a68807fa37 globalpagecalltoactions0action 57084 globalpagecalltoactions0action field555ca4a635a59 globalpagecalltoactions1action 57096 globalpagecalltoactions1action field555ca4a635a59 globalpagecalltoactions 2 globalpagecalltoactions field555a68577fa35 relatedcontent 0 relatedcontent field555dcb92b0186 pagebanner 50429 pagebanner field5564e3861d332 pagebannertext Greenpeace pagebannertext field5564e6090b63a maxgallerytype yoastwpseometadesc Greenpeace er den ledende uavhengige kampanjerorganisasjonen som bruker fredelig direkte handling og kreativ co mmunication for å avsløre globale miljøproblemer og å fremme løsninger som er avgjørende for en grønn og fredelig fremtid. Greenpeace yoastwpseolinkdex 36 globalmodal 37267 globalmodal field5581d16ada9db dwlsfirstimage yoastwpseotitle Greenpeace USA yoastwpseobctitle Hjem yoastwpseoopengraph-title Greenpeace USA yoastwpseoopengraph-beskrivelse Greenpeace er den ledende uavhengige kampanjerorganisasjonen som bruker fredelig direkte handling og kreativ kommunikasjon for å avsløre globale miljøproblemer og å fremme løsninger som er avgjørende for en grønn og fredelig fremtid. Kontakt 702 H Street, NW, STE 300, Washington, DC 20001 (202) 462-1177 Kontakt field55f72cbfe7f3a actiontext ta affære actiontext field55f72cd8e7f3b actionlink handlinger actionlink field55f72ce1e7f3c donatetext donere donatetext field55f72cece7f3d donatelink us. greenpeace. orgsiteDonation2dfid32413241.donationform1ssrcfooter donatelink field55f72cfee7f3e yoastwpseofocuskwtextinput Greenpeace headerctatext donere headerctatext field56a67d3a1f9f5 headerctalink us. greenpeace. orgsiteDonation2dfid32413241.donationform1ssrcheader headerctalink field56a67d571f9f6 footerctatext Iverksette tiltak footerctatext field55f72cd8e7f3b footerctalink greenpeace. orgusaactions footerctalink field55f72ce1e7f3c footerctasecondtext donere footerctasecondtext field55f72cece7f3d footerctasecondlink us. greenpeace. orgsiteDonation2dfid32413241.donationform1ssrcfooter footerctasecondlink field55f72cfee7f3e yoastwpseofocuskeywords undertittel undertittel field5539b3413c3cf de scriptiveparagraph descriptiveparagraph field5539b34c3c3d0 body body field554d1b057e0cb postdategmt 2015-05-04 20:05:31 kommentarstatus åpen pingstatus åpen postpassword postnavn home page toping pinged postmodified 2017-02-21 17:26:18 postmodifiedgmt 2017-02-21 22:26:18 postcontentfiltered guid greenpeace. orgusapageid296 menuorder 0 postmimetype commentcount 0 filter raw status publisere tilpasset Array (editlock 1487715993: 11 editlast 11 wppagetemplate gpusa-home. php heroimage 57253 heroimage field5547d46339d5e herotitle Stig opp for å stoppe Dakota Access Pipeline Fortell Citibank å stoppe finansieringen i dag. herotitle field5547d47f39d5f herobuttontext handling herobuttontext field5547d48b39d60 herourl secure3.conviogpeacesiteAdvocacycmddisplaypageUserActionid2066ssrchero herourl field5547d49539d61 customheaderimageid htmlpagetitle htmlpagetitle field554d1b87acb28 featuredactions Array (0 57 093 1 57 084 2 57 096) featuredactions field554d17fe1a757 featuredblogs Array (0 57359 1 57330 2 57320) featuredblogs field554d185e78983 featuredstoriesvictories 57089 featuredstoriesvictories field554d18bd750f0 backgroundimage 52810 backgroundimage field554d19cb60809 artikler Array (0 316 1 320 2 324) artikler field554d19f16080a infographicnarrative Nevermind som Shells planlegger å bore for olje bidrar til den onde syklusen av global oppvarming. Klimaet i Arktis kan være alvorlig og uforutsigbar, noe som gjør sannsynlig og katastrofalt oljespill. infographicnarrative field554d1c4924c2b primarygraphic 52806 primarygraphic field554d1c8324c2c informasjon Array (0 informasjon en informasjon 2 informasjon) informasjon field554d1ca324c2d secondarygraphic 52808 secondarygraphic field554d1d2124c30 information0datum 30M information0datum field554d1cd224c2e information0datumdescription Antall støttespillere over hele verden information0datumdescription field554d1ce524c2f information1datum 0 information1datum field554d1cd224c2e information1datumdescription Mengde penger weve akseptert fra bedrifter information1datumdescription field554d1ce524c2f information2datum 55 information2datum field554d1cd224c2e information2datumdescription Antall land der vi driver informasjon2datodescription field554d1ce524c2f fortellende Greenpeace vil aldri slutte å kjempe for en grønnere og sunnere verden for våre hav, skog, mat, klima og demokrati, noe som betyr hva krefter står i veien for oss. fortellende felt554d1c4924c2b featuredgallery Array (0 52830 1 57040 2 52770 3 47982 4 56123 5 56607 6 56433 7 52917 8 46885 9 47650 10 48546 11 48822) field554e6b43a3fc7 tagline Vi trenger din stemme Bli med oss ​​tagline field55521a36172e9 ctatagline Vi trenger din stemme. Bli med oss ​​ctatagline field55521a36172e9 ctabuttontext Registrer deg ctabuttontext field555a5d3e15e01 primarymenucta 57096 primarymenucta field555a67ece5dfe secondarymenucta 57084 secondarymenucta field555a6808e5dff tertiarymenucta 57093 tertiarymenucta field555a6817e5e00 primarypagecta 395 primarypagecta field555a68577fa35 secondarypagecta 466 secondarypagecta field555a68677fa36 tertiarypagecta tertiarypagecta field555a68807fa37 globalpagecalltoactions0action 57084 globalpagecalltoactions0action field555ca4a635a59 globalpagecalltoactions1action 57096 globalpagecalltoactions1action field555ca4a635a59 globalpagecalltoactions 2 globalpagecalltoactions field555a68577fa35 relatedcontent 0 relatedcontent field555dcb92b0186 pagebanner 50429 pagebanner field5564e3861d332 pagebannertext Greenpeace pagebannertext field5564e6090b63a maxgallerytype yoastwpseometadesc Greenpeace er den ledende uavhengige kampanjerorganisasjonen som bruker fredelig direkte handling og kreativ co mmunication for å avsløre globale miljøproblemer og å fremme løsninger som er avgjørende for en grønn og fredelig fremtid. Greenpeace yoastwpseolinkdex 36 globalmodal 37267 globalmodal field5581d16ada9db dwlsfirstimage yoastwpseotitle Greenpeace USA yoastwpseobctitle Hjem yoastwpseoopengraph-title Greenpeace USA yoastwpseoopengraph-beskrivelse Greenpeace er den ledende uavhengige kampanjerorganisasjonen som bruker fredelig direkte handling og kreativ kommunikasjon for å avsløre globale miljøproblemer og å fremme løsninger som er avgjørende for en grønn og fredelig fremtid. Kontakt 702 H Street, NW, STE 300, Washington, DC 20001 (202) 462-1177 Kontakt field55f72cbfe7f3a actiontext ta affære actiontext field55f72cd8e7f3b actionlink handlinger actionlink field55f72ce1e7f3c donatetext donere donatetext field55f72cece7f3d donatelink us. greenpeace. orgsiteDonation2dfid32413241.donationform1ssrcfooter donatelink field55f72cfee7f3e yoastwpseofocuskwtextinput Greenpeace headerctatext donere headerctatext field56a67d3a1f9f5 headerctalink us. greenpeace. orgsiteDonation2dfid32413241.donationform1ssrcheader headerctalink field56a67d571f9f6 footerctatext Iverksette tiltak footerctatext field55f72cd8e7f3b footerctalink greenpeace. orgusaactions footerctalink field55f72ce1e7f3c footerctasecondtext donere footerctasecondtext field55f72cece7f3d footerctasecondlink us. greenpeace. orgsiteDonation2dfid32413241.donationform1ssrcfooter footerctasecondlink field55f72cfee7f3e yoastwpseofocuskeywords undertittel undertittel field5539b3413c3cf de scriptiveparagraph descriptiveparagraph field5539b34c3c3d0 body body field554d1b057e0cb)) Vi trenger din stemme. Bli med oss ​​Vil du frivillig eller delta i en lokal kampanje Besøk oss på GreenwireTodays Stock Market News amp Analyse Realtid etter timer Pre-Market News Flash Quote Sammendrag Sitat Interactive Charts Standard Innstilling Vær oppmerksom på at når du har valgt ditt valg, vil det gjelde for alle fremtidige besøk på NASDAQ. Hvis du, når som helst, er interessert i å gå tilbake til standardinnstillingene, velg Standardinnstilling ovenfor. Hvis du har spørsmål eller støter på problemer ved å endre standardinnstillingene, vennligst send epost til isfeedbacknasdaq. Vennligst bekreft ditt valg: Du har valgt å endre standardinnstillingen for Quote Search. Dette vil nå være din standardmålside, med mindre du endrer konfigurasjonen din igjen, eller du sletter informasjonskapslene dine. Er du sikker på at du vil endre innstillingene Vi har en tjeneste å spørre Vennligst deaktiver annonseblokkeren din (eller oppdater innstillingene dine for å sikre at javascript og informasjonskapsler er aktivert), slik at vi kan fortsette å gi deg de førsteklasses markedsnyheter og data du har kommet til å forvente fra oss. Hello there Hvis du er ny her, vil du kanskje abonnere på RSS-feed for oppdateringer om dette emnet. Jeg ønsket å vente på å gjøre min anmeldelse til jeg hadde tid til å gå gjennom selve treningsøktene, bruk Body Beast kosttilskudd, følg ernæringsplanen. og faktisk se noen resultater. Mange vurderinger der ute har blitt dannet av folk som ikke har gjort programmet enda, og jeg skjønte at jeg ikke hadde noe å si om det før jeg logget på noe selv. I denne Body Beast Review. som tittelen sier 8211 dette er en 8220full8221 titt på Beachbody8217s nye masseforøgende treningsøkt. Så jeg kommer til å gå deg gjennom alt fra kjøpesummen, ernæringsplanen, kosttilskuddene, og treningsprogrammet selv 8211 til de faktiske resultatene du kan forvente. Og sørg for å lese hele veien gjennom fordi det er en advarsel du trenger å vite om å gjøre Body Beast. Så får vi rett inn i det. Body Beast Review Øvelsen Body Beast kommer med 12 wokouts (og tre valgfrie treningsøkter) som er en samling av Sagi Kalev8217s års erfaring innen naturlig kroppsbygging. Han kombinerer og forenkler vitenskapen bak hypertrofi (muskelvekst) til ekstremt effektive treningsøkter. Hver treningsøkt er bare 30-50 minutter. Pass på at du sjekker ut treningsskjemaet for Body Beast her. I utgangspunktet har Sagi tatt det beste ut av gamle skolebyggeteknikker og kombinert det med det han kaller Dynamic Set Training med enkelt sett, Super Set, Giant Sett, Progressive Sett, Drop Set, Tempo Sets og alt annet du kan tenke på å utmatt muskelen og rekruttere mer muskel fiber for store gevinster. For treningene selv er oppvarmingene mye kortere enn du kanskje er vant til, slik at du kan komme helt ned til bedriften. I motsetning til de fleste tunge løfterutiner hvor du står rundt, må du sjekke deg ut speilet og sammenligne deg med alle de andre kjøtthodene i treningsstudioet. Du vil ikke ha tid. Som jeg sa, er hver trening bare 30-50 minutter, så avhengig av hvilken type sett du gjør, vil du bare få et gjennomsnitt på 1 minutt pause mellom settene. Treningene kan egentlig være svære å følge fordi de er ganske komplekse (på skjermen er det med hjelp), og hvis du har et sett med justerbare håndlister, kan det hende du har vanskelig å holde opp, siden du vil bytte vekter ganske ofte. Disse treningsøktene gir deg det aller beste for pengene når du vurderer at du kan få gjort ferdig i 30-50 minutter, som ville ta de fleste 1,5-2 timer i treningsstudioet. Total trening Rating: 9.510 Beachbody har faktisk gitt deg mange muligheter når det gjelder å velge hva som fungerer for deg. Det finnes fire forskjellige Body Beast-pakkealternativer å velge mellom: Base-DVD-settsprisen er CRAZY LOW kommer inn på bare 39.90. Med hver oppgradering du velger, legger Beachbody noen få alternativer til kosttilskudd. Med Deluxe får du brennstoffskudd og grunnskake. Med Ultimate får du MAX Creatine og Super Suma i tillegg til det. Langt men den beste verdien som du tydeligvis kan se er Challane Pack. For 140 får du treningsprogrammet og shakeology til 140. Shakeology retails for 130, så you8217re får i utgangspunktet dvd8217s til 10. Det er en friggin stjele jeg tror fortsatt de kunne ha gjort bedre på prisen på Deluxe og Ultimate-pakker. Samlet prisvurdering: 910 Body Beast Nutrition Plan Jeg dekker faktisk Body Nut næringsplanen i dybden HER. Du kan ta en titt på det for å få litt info. Samlet skjønt er Body Beast ernæring enkel og veldig godt satt sammen i guideboken. Det legger ut en enkel metode for å beregne dine kaloribehov for å få masse og mellom BUILD og BULK-fasene, du beregner faktisk inntaket ditt basert på din nåværende vekt og kroppsfett. I den siste fasen, BEAST-fasen, opererer du faktisk med et kaloriunderskudd for å lene seg ut og se de gevinsten du har gjort. Makronæringsstoffene er ganske enkle å følge. For både BUILD og BULK-fasene har du et 255025 8211 protein-karbfatforhold. Når du bytter til BEAST-fasen, kjører du en mer konvensjonell nedbryting på 403030. Jeg skal faktisk følge denne planen, og det er egentlig ikke så bra å ha så stor suksess med P90X-fettfjerningens nedbrytning av 503020. På samme måte som P90X Nutrition Plan, har du en få muligheter når det gjelder sporing av ernæring. Du kan gå på delruten, og du kan få tilgang til disse deloversiktene og matlister her i pdf-format. Eller du kan gjøre det jeg anbefaler som følger dine makronæringsstoffer med et program som myfitnesspal. Jeg handler alt om presisjon når det gjelder ernæring og er en fast beslutning om å skape de beste resultatene som muligens ikke bare gode resultater. Det er derfor jeg holder fast på min Shakeology hver eneste dag, derfor trykker jeg på spill hver dag, og derfor sporer jeg makroene hver eneste dag. Selvfølgelig passer det ikke til hverandres stil, så sørg for å ta en titt på deloversikten sammen med maten lister til å formulere din egen handlingsplan. Hvis du følger mitt forslag om sporing av ernæringen, må du bare være sikker på at du får mange kilder til mat. For eksempel, ikke få alle karbohydrater fra bare full hvete bread8230try yams, prøv havre, prøv quinoa. Du vil ha en rekke. Når du er bulking er det en tendens til å rasjonalisere juksemat, fordi målet ditt er å få vekt8230 Dette vil bare resultere i økt kroppsfett og vil ikke fremme sunne, tette muskelgevinster. Du vil være sikker på at du stikker til ernæringsplanen som inneholder magert kjøtt, hele korn, fruktgrønnsaker, frø, nøtter og belgfrukter. Det er mange bulking metoder der ute, men vårt ultimate mål bør være vår helse og 8220dirty bulking8221 på ingen måte fremmer en sunn livsstil. Faktisk vil det bare gjøre det mye vanskeligere å forplikte seg til din BEAST-fase når du begynner å kutte fett. Hvis du tilbringer 60 dager uten begrensning på hva du tillater ned, vil det bli vane8230 og vaner ikke dø lett. Så gjør deg selv en tjeneste, hold deg til et rent bulking diett. Total Nutrition Plan Rating 8211 1010 Body Beast Supplements Dette Body Beast Review ville ikke være komplett hvis jeg ikke adresserte Beast Supplements. Jeg har personlig forpliktet meg til å bruke alle kroppsdyrtilskuddene som Beachbody tilbyr for 90-dagers varighet av Body Beast for å gi treningsprogrammet i sin helhet en rettferdig vurdering. Så her er kosttilskudd og en kort beskrivelse av hva de er: Hardcore Base Shake 8211 Dette er en smaknøytral (ingen smak) myseprotein. Den primære kilden til protein er whey protein konsentrat som er bra ting. De anbefaler å ta det etter trening som det jeg gjør. Jeg legger det faktisk til min shakeology shake til frokost rett etter treningsøkten min sammen med brennstoffet. Den har 18g protein per porsjon, noe som er okay8230 Jeg vil heller se noe mer i 22-24g rekkevidden som kan sammenlignes med mer populære merker som Optimum Nutrtion, men en ting det går for det er at det ikke er kunstig smak eller farging i det 8211 så det er helt naturlig som alltid får tommelen opp fra meg. Fuel Shot 8211 Jeg bruker faktisk dette som en gjenopprettingsdrink. Vel, som jeg sa, blander jeg det med min Shakeology og Base Shake etter treningen, men det er et carb-rich supplement som er ment å fylle opp uttømte glykogenbutikker etter en intens trening. With a simple sugar (high glycemic) blend of dextrose and maltodexrin, its the perfect way to fuel your muscles after a Body Beast workout, or any workout for that matter 8211 so long as you earn it. The simple carbs are perfect after an intense workout in order to promote protein synthesis and fuel muscle growth and recovery. This too is a flavorless drink. You could even mix it with some sort of juice. MAX Creatine 8211 This is a simple pillar in the body building and fitness industry which is pure creatine monohydrate. There arent any fillers or any other junk in it8230just quality tested and proven ingredients. I have a list of some creatin frequently asked questions that you can reference HERE if you want more info. Super Suma 8211 A lot of people have no clue what suma is or what a test booster is. Super Suma is made from suma root (Brazilian ginseng) and contains Beachbodys exclusive plant-based enzyme system for enhanced benefits. Use daily to help increase muscle strength, size, and endurance. Now Suma will trigger false positive results on steroid tests so that actually says a lot about how this product might be very effective (no need to worry about the twig and berries shrinking either8230suma is completely natural without the common side effects of steroid or test booster use). This IS NOT a steroid, but a plant sterol. However, our current industry steroid testing protocols are not advanced enough to differentiate between sterols and steroids. So if you are an athlete or military personnel who might be tested for performance enhancing drugs, stay away from Super Suma. But for the rest of us who dont need the sign off8230its time to BEAST UP What do I recommend All of these supplements are high quality and Beachbody has done a phenomenal job of formulating them while remaining true to their standard of 8220no junk8221 meaning no artificial flavor, colors, or fillers. So if you are considering following the Body Beast program to a T, then you could get these supplements. I personally use Beachbody8217s new Performance supplements and Sagi Kalev himself has been using them as well and raves about them here Overall Body Beast Supplements Rating 8211 910 (would have liked to have seen some natural flavoring in the Base Shake and Fuel Shot) My Current Body Beast Results I am actually in week-6 of Body Beast and have put on 16lbs of mass. I started out at about 177lbs at 9 body fat and I am currently at 193lbs and 11.29 body fat. The extra body fat was expected, but I am hoping to be at around 188lbs and 7-8 body fat when I finish out the program. Does the program work. HECK YES IT DOES Its fun, its challenging, it produces the results it says it will so long as you follow the program8230Its worth every penny and I highly recommend Body Beast for anyone looking to pack on some serious muscle If this review was helpful, would you be sure to Like and Share it with others. I really feel like this program can change a lot of lives and if you can help me out by sharing this post, we can change those lives together Its all about paying it forward PS: Be sure to leave your comments and questions below in the 8220reply8221 section. I want to hear what your struggling with or what is working well for you BEAST UP Coach Todd Related Posts BODY BEAST Workout Schedule BODY BEAST Supplements Body Beast Build Chest 038 Tris My Insane X2X Body Beast Hybrid Body Beast Plateau Coach Todd, my husband is a 43 year old welder who is on the road 25 days of the month. He stays in nice hotels (usually with gyms) and food is 100 paid for by the company. He can afford to eat healthy. He is looking at trying to get in shape but he is worried that carrying around weights will be hard when he travels a lot. is there another program better suited to travel He will have to use his laptop to watch videos. Thank you Lorenwelder Head for the sports shop and buy the bands. When I travel, I play the DVD on my laptop in the hotel gym or in my room if its big enough. I take the training bands in a couple of different sizes (they are pretty inexpensive) and with the door adapter (also inexpensive), there is no good reason to miss weight training. Lorenwelder bands are amazing for travel. If you can hit up the hotel gym. thatll work too As long as you have the workout sheets, you dont really need the videos. Just take the sheets to the gym kimmidland I personally dont think you need to add any extra workouts to body beast. The tempo of the workouts is pretty intense. Are you going to be tracking your nutrition for body beast with something like myfitnesspalIt has been a little over a year since just2good first revealed that LEGO would be producing a series of Disney-themed Collectable Minifigures (spanning the classics, to the renaissance, to Pixar) in 2016. Of course not many believed him, as this information was posted on April 1, 2015. yet here we are now reviewing them after their official release on May the 1st. After the leaked photo in March, and the official joint reveal by The LEGO Group and The Walt Disney Company last month, this collection of 18 () minifigures has been somewhat criticized since: quotWhy 18 figs and not 16quot quotSo manynot enough molded headsquot quotWhy the lack of accessoriesquot However, on the whole, reaction has been fairly positive. But what do we here at Brickset think My opinion can be found after the break. The box and blind-bag color scheme of The Disney Series is a special metallic blue, reminiscent of The LEGO Movie Series39 color. It is the color most commonly associated with The Walt Disney Company. Buzz, DonaldHook (depending on region, most likely due to the more immense popularity of Donald in Europe), Cheshire Cat, Maleficent, Peter Pan, Stitch, Minnie, Mickey, the Alien, and Mr. Incredible adorn the front of the bag artwork. The Disney logo appears in the top right corner to remind us that yes, this is a Disney series. The bottom left corner displays 3918 to collect39 to show the special two figure increase in this series. The background of the bag has Disney-themed symbols (like mouse ears) mixed in with the standard CMF question mark fare. Totally eye-catching on store racks On the box, the design is essentially similar, but all eighteen minifigures are shown instead of the select ten on the bag. 60 packs are included in every box if you plan on purchasing one Here is the distribution of figures in each. Now onto the minifigures themselves I have divided them up by filmfranchise and used the order seen on the checklist, for your reading pleasure. Lilo and Stitch We start off with one of my favorite minifigures of this series. Stitch. or Experiment 626, is a great start to an overall amazing collection. He captures the character who debuted in the 2002 film Lilo and Stitch absolutely perfectly. I would have nothing be changed. Stitch is an alien who was originally created to cause galactic chaos, but later gets adopted by a young, orphaned Hawaiian girl named Lilo as her quotdogquot. Though he befriends Lilo, Stitch still remains a mischievous little creature. Lilo tries her best to teach him the concept of ohana, meaning family. Stitch39s head mold is absolutely adorable and full of accuracy, and the printing all over his body is top notch especially the tiny tuft of fur on his chest and the dark blue on his back. My ONLY criticism is the lack of an accessory. Stitch could have easily been given a The Ugly Duckling book or ray gun both of which are objects he uses in the film. I can see Stitch being one of the most popular characters in this entire series. Therefore it helps that he is very common to find, at four per box. He definitely ranks high up in The Disney Series for me, and I have seen similar opinions from other fans as well. Bag-feeling tip: Stitch is one of only three minifigs in this series with short legs. Narrow that piece down and then search for the head mold you can39t miss those large ears The Little Green Men of Pizza Planet debuted in 199539s inaugural Pixar Animation Studios hit Toy Story. They first appeared in LEGO form for the original Toy Story theme made to promote the third film six years ago, in 2010. People may be yawning after seeing this minifigure available again, but its appearance here is justified in order to give the new Buzz Lightyear in this series a companion. Also, the Alien works as the typical quotarmy-builderquot minifig for this specific series, so it is welcomed. I wouldn39t mind getting a bunch of them cheaply through this way, for a 39claaaaaaaw39 MOC Contrary to popular belief, this is not the same exact Alien minifigure as the 2010 version. The pupils here have been printed more central on the eyes rather than lower like the original had. The printing on the torso has also been improved in general, with a more accurate purple color on the neck collar and belt. And the best part: short legs with boots I wouldn39t say that the Alien was very necessary for the very first LEGO Disney Series, but I39m not disappointed in its inclusion. Bag-feeling tip: The Alien is the second of three minifigs in this series with short legs. Again, narrow those down first and then find the head mold with a quotsharpquot antenna. You will know what to look for even more if you have handled the original 2010 Alien. 3. Buzz Lightyear To infinity and beyond it39s Buzz Lightyear of Star Command Buzz is an action figure space ranger toy and one of Andy39s favorites. This character appeared in the 2010 Toy Story theme as well. His appearance is much more justified than the Alien39s, given that Buzz is not only one of the most popular Pixar characters, but of Disney as a whole The major difference between the 2010 and 2016 variants is that this time around, Buzz gets a regular minifigure head instead of the specially molded one that was present in sets back then. Honestly, even though the old head mold is much more accurate, I enjoy this quotregularquot head. It gives a reason for people (like completists, for example) to purchase this new version. It also helps the uniformity (its internal stylization, if you will) of this series, where all of the human characters get regular heads. So in the end, it works And if you don39t like the new head, you can easily switch it out with the old one for a perfect Buzz Lightyear with updated printing I just don39t want to see Woody with a head like this in a Disney Series 2. Overall, The Disney Series39 Buzz Lightyear is even more detailed and deluxe than his original minifigure and I greatly appreciate him. The printing is fantastic, especially around the legs, and he seems improved in just about every area. A definite favorite of mine. but I may be a bit biased because I am a huge Toy Story fan Bag-feeling tip: The large armor, rectangular wings and half-helmet should be the giveaways. 4. Aladdin The quotstreet ratquot from Agrabah himself, Aladdin. first appeared in the 1992 film of the same name. As one of the most highly anticipated (in my opinion) characters included in this series, he does not disappoint A darker skin tone is used which is perfect for completing the look of the character. And that plus the mischievous-looking head printing would indeed help to create an entirely accurate Ezra Bridger minifig from Star Wars Rebels. A rubbery hair piece with attached fez hat is also included which looks fantastic, as does the printing on Aladdin39s torso and legs. As for his accessory, the magic lamp that houses the Genie is iconic and proves sufficient enough for Aladdin. However, his loyal monkey Abu would have been a logical inclusion as well. However, I can imagine Abu would have taken part of the budget away from the grand minifig, so I can live with his absence. Bag-feeling tip: Genie has a magic lamp too, so you must also find the regular minifigure legs as well in order to confirm that you have got Aladdin. Aladdin39s Genie will forever be remembered as one of the greatest Disney characters, no doubt partly due to to fact that he was voiced by the late and great Robin Williams. However, his minifig portrayal could have been improved a little more, in my opinion. The ear piece that attaches to the stud on his head is very nice, but the eyebrows could have been printed on it rather than the head itself to replicate Genie39s appearance better. Otherwise, the rest of the printing on the minifig, while minimal, is nice and accurate. I do have to criticize the fact that both Aladdin and Genie include magic lamps. It should have been in one or the other. Genie could have kept his lamp while Aladdin could have been given Abu. Although Genie is a solid addition to the series, I can39t help but feel a bit let down by him in general. Maybe a molded head would have been better. Bag-feeling tip: Search for the magic lamp, and make sure the genie tail is there instead of regular legs. Confirming with the quotearsquot piece may also be helpful. Sleeping Beauty 6. Maleficent The quotMistress of All Evilquot, Maleficent from the 1959 film Sleeping Beauty, has now become a minifigure And she is absolutely magnificent - pun intended After not being invited to a christening, she curses the infant Princess Aurora to prick her finger on the spindle of a spinning wheel and die before the sun sets on Aurora39s sixteenth birthday. The highlight of the minifig is her famous horned helmetheaddress, which is rubbery and fantastic. Her crystal staff is simple, but perfectly resembles the yellow-tipped sceptre seen in the film. While also simplistic, Maleficent39s body printing is awesome. She also uses a cool new cape and collar, which is just the icing on the cake to a minifig that is, as a whole, a brilliant likeness of the character. Bag-feeling tip: Find the rod piece used for the staff and then confirm with the horned headdress. She is also the only minifigure in the series with a sloped brick. Note: her cape should be the other way around, purple inside, but I built her incorrectly -- Huw Alice in Wonderland 195139s Alice in Wonderland is a general favorite amongst Disney fans, so it was a pleasant surprise to see two characters from the film included in The Disney Series. The titular character, Alice. is often seen daydreaming and gives herself advice instead of listening to the advice of others. Alice is well mannered, polite, courteous, mature and has an elegance and gentleness of a young woman, although once she falls into Wonderland she finds it harder and harder to maintain her composure. Alice contains a brand new skirt piece that is inserted in-between the minifig legs and torso. This forms part of her dress. A brand new blonde hair piece with a headband is included which looks splendid as does the printed, iconic quoteat mequot cookie and quotdrink mequot bottle accessories Completing Alice is a rather cute little expression on her face. Although Alice is a nicely done minifigure in general, she is sort of bland and the character herself doesn39t do much for me. Your thoughts may vary, though. Bag-feeling tip: Alice shares a dress skirt piece with Minnie Mouse. Narrow that down, then find her hair piece. Confirm with the cookie and bottle. 8. Cheshire Cat Out of all the strange creatures Alice encountered on her visit to Wonderland, none were more bizarre than the Cheshire Cat. A common occurrence is that long after his body disappears, one can still see his glowing smile. He likes to get others into trouble, particularly Alice. The Cheshire Cat is a great minifigure. The two shades of pink on his body, layered in stripes, are very true to his animated form, and the tail also could prove to be a useful piece. The best part, however, is the molded head which is subtly creepy with its big, toothy grin and yellow eyes. Still very cool Bag-feeling tip: The Cheshire Cat is the third and final minifig in this series with short legs. Once you have found that piece, make sure that the tail is also there. Confirm with the irregular molded head. Mickey amp Friends 9. Daisy Duck Now it39s time for the classic Disney characters that have been around for as long as people can remember Created in 1940 by Walt Disney and introduced in Mr. Duck Steps Out, Daisy Duck is one of them. She is also the girlfriend of Donald Duck (who I will get to next). Donald and Daisy share an all-new duck tail piece which is exclusive to them, and it looks marvelous attaching in-between the legs and torso - of which Daisy39s is a nice lavender She also has a new hair-bow piece that attaches to peg-sized holes like the one on her head. This piece is included in Minnie too and is very useful. It could easily work with hair pieces like Friends mini-doll ones. Daisy isn39t close to one of my favorite minifigs from this series, but if you want the whole Mickey Gang you will need her I wouldn39t call her bad, just not particularly exciting. Bag-feeling tip: Daisy and Donald are nearly identical in parts with the same head, torso, legs and tail. You will need to make sure that the bag has a bow piece instead of a sailor hat. 10. Donald Duck Did you know. Donald Duck has appeared in more films than any other Disney character That made him a pretty surefire pick to be included in this series. Introduced in 193439s The Wise Little Hen, Donald is also one of the most popular Disney characters. he is even the most published non-superhero comic book character Often accompanying Donald is his uncle Scrooge McDuck and his nephews Huey, Dewey and Louie . As for his minifigure, every detail from his sailor suit to his hat to his tail is included, and thus he is one of the most accurate minifigs in The Disney Series. I wholeheartedly recommend him Bag-feeling tip: Same as his significant other Daisy, but vice-versa find the sailor hat instead of the bow. 11. Minnie Mouse Minerva quotMinniequot Mouse is the famous girlfriend of Mickey Mouse (next). The outfit depicted in her Collectable Minifigures version here is based on her appearance in the 2006-present preschool television series Mickey Mouse Clubhouse. The red and white variant of her dress is rumored to be appearing in 71049 Cinderella Castle, so this will have to suffice until September. Minnie makes use of the dress skirt piece that I talked about with Alice this time, it is pink with white dots to match Minnie39s aforementioned dress. Her head mold is the same as her boyfriend Mickey39s albeit with eyelashes printed on to show femininity. The bow is an identical mold to her best friend Daisy39s, though it is a different color. Minnie or Mickey on their own are great. but if you only have one, you will definitely want the other I enjoy Minnie39s quotminniefigurequot a lot. see what I did there Bag-feeling tip: Again, Minnie and Alice share a dress skirt piece. The difference between the two figures is that Minnie has no accessories, and a large molded head and bow instead of a normal minifig head with hair. Find the head and bow after the skirt. Don39t get confused with Daisy, who also has a bow. 12. Mickey Mouse Admit it, you are so surprised that this guy showed up here. I kid. No contest, he is the face of the entire Walt Disney Company and a cultural icon. Mickey Mouse (debut: Steamboat Willie, 1928) was a shoe-in for this series from the start, and I couldn39t be happier with how he came out Well, sort of. I do wish his red shorts were printed up to his armpits, rather than them being only on the legs. The buttons should have been on the lower part of the torso instead, too. However, this little detail doesn39t ruin an otherwise fantastic minifigure who I would recommend solely because he39s Mickey Mouse The little guy just looks so charming as he stares back at you from your CMF display. Buy him Bag-feeling tip: Although Mickey and Minnie share the same head mold, Minnie has those extra pieces. If you don39t feel the bow or skirt, you39ve got Mickey. The Incredibles 13. Mr. Incredible 200439s The Incredibles is the most recent film to get a spot in this series. This marks the fifth Pixar franchise (after Toy Story, Cars, Brave and WALLmiddotE) to be made into LEGO form. Bob Parr, also known by his superhero alias Mr. Incredible. retires with his wife Elastigirl to have three kids Dash. Violet and Jack-Jack. However, the appearance of Syndrome (next in the review) causes him to come back into the action. Although his main power is superstrength, I don39t think the minifig shows this off very well. In the film, Mr. Incredible is very top-heavy, so the character would be better suited to a bigfig in my opinion. The printed muscles, while better than nothing, really dont do this element of the character justice. Hopefully we get sets to go with the release of The Incredibles 2 in 2019, so that a potential fully-accurate Mr. Incredible variant could be made Other than that, Mr. Incredible is a decent attempt at trying to recreate the character in the confines of a standard minifig. To an extent it succeeds in that. The red, black and orange supersuit has been done well, with its icon i symbol, and the balding blonde hair piece is impressive. Good ol39 Robert is equipped with one of his retro superhero propaganda posters a printed 2x2 tile. Being paired with one of the coolest minifigures in The Disney Series means that you will probably end up getting him no matter what. I would say he is worth a purchase Bag-feeling tip: Both Mr. Incredible and Syndrome each include a 2x2 tile. Feel for that first to narrow your search down to the two, then confirm with the smaller hairpiece. Also, if it helps, Mr. Incredible lacks a cape. 14. Syndrome While Mr. Incredible might not be the best representation of the character, evil mastermind Syndrome (formerly Buddy Pine or the self-proclaimed Incrediboy) is the total opposite. Syndrome may be my favorite minifigure of the series and I am going to flat-out say that you NEED to get him, whether you are an Incredibles fan or not. The detail is astounding, especially the dual-molded legs for boots and printing on the arms. While the head may not be very minifig-like, it is incredibly (ha ha) accurate. The supervillain includes a blueprint tile of his robotic Omnidroid creation, which is perfect for him. He is complete with a spiky, tall hair piece. The only inaccuracy seems to be that the inside of the minifig39s cape isn39t blue. I love Syndrome. that39s all I have to say Bag-feeling tip: Same as Mr. Incredible, but feel for the very large hairpiece instead. 15. Peter Pan A young boy who can fly and never grows up, Peter Pan from the 1953 film of the same name has adventures on the island of Neverland as the leader of the Lost Boys. His best friend is fairy Tinker Bell . I really like Peter Pan39s minifigure. There is a lot of detail in his signature green outfit, and the chipper expression on his face matches the character well. Like many have pointed out, his hathair piece would be good to use for a Link minifigure from The Legend of Zelda video game series. Pan39s accessories are two golden daggers that he is seen using to frequently fight his arch nemesis Captain Hook, who is next in this review Bag-feeling tip: Pan has a small hair-and-hat-combination piece to feel for, as well as the two golden knives which come attached to each other at first. 16. Captain Hook Captain James Hook is the pirate captain of the Jolly Roger. He frequently travels the waters around Neverland and lost his hand due to a crocodile. which Peter Pan caused to happen thus he swears vengeance on him. Hook is typically seen with fellow crew member Mr. Smee . Hook39s minifig is amazingly detailed. He has full leg and torso printing for his jacket, and contains an extremely elaborate combined hair, hat and plume piece that is worth the money alone. I honestly would not want to change anything about Hook. Even his rapier sword has been included, which isn39t a new mold but is nonetheless a great inclusion. Some people have said that Captain Hook39s facial features haven39t been captured to the best of ability by LEGO, but I think the location of the moustache shows Hook39s crooked nose rather well. Unlike Genie, I do not think Hook would have benefitted from a molded head he is fine as is. Bag-feeling tip: Hook has a huge (not a joke) hair piece with a hat and plume molded onto it. That will be the easy giveaway. Finding the quotsharpquot sword is also an option. The Little Mermaid 17. Ursula Ursula is the sea witch antagonist of the 1989 classic The Little Mermaid. She tricks a mermaid princess named Ariel (up next) into trading her voice for a pair of human legs, at first appearing to be providing the character with an opportunity to become human by temporarily transforming her into one so that she may earn the love of Prince Eric within three days. However, Ursula is in fact determined to sabotage Ariel39s chances at any expense so that she can ultimately replace the mermaid39s father King Triton as ruler over Atlantica. One of the most detailed minifigs in The Disney Series, Ursula is mostly comprised of one large tentacle body piece with a molded-in stomach and breasts. The torso slides right into it, perfectly capturing her overweight stature seen in the film. As well, she uses a brand new, accurate white hair piece with grey printing on the sides. She also has King Triton39s trident which is a worthy accessory. The only negative aspect of Ursula is that she has some ugly holes on her tentacle piece, but at certain angles they cannot be seen too well, so it is forgivable. Overall, Ursula is a very great minifigure who I see has already become a fan-favorite in the community. Bag-feeling tip: You really cannot miss the huge (not a joke either) tentacle body piece that creates a large bulge in the bag. Time to round out this review One of the minifigs in this series that I was looking forward to most is Ariel. the main protagonist and daughter of King Triton in The Little Mermaid. While she is the only one from the Disney Princess franchise to be included in this collection of eighteen, this does allow her to be the only character so far depicted in all three different LEGO forms: Duplo figure, mini-doll, and now minifigure At first glance Ariel seems rather generic, but there is more to her than meets the eye. She resembles her animated counterpart very well, from the color of her tail, to her purple clamshell bra (of which its strap goes around as back printing on the torso), to even her large red bangs And speaking of the hair piece, it is stellar and I can see it being used in many different custom creations. I am surprised but pleased that LEGO didn39t reuse Ariel39s rubbery mini-doll hair introduced in 2014. Perhaps the only disappointing part of Ariel is not anything to do with herself, but with her accessories. A pop-open, folding clam is included, which houses a pink jewel. These don39t seem to go with Ariel39s personality in the film at all, where she is more interested in human objects. A 39dinglehopper39 (fork), Flounder andor Sebastian would have been much more appropriate. I39m especially questioning the non-inclusion of the latter two considering they already have existing molds both of which are included in 41063 Ariel39s Undersea Palace. Ariel is an amazing minifigure you wouldn39t want to miss out on, and ranks among my favorites Bag-feeling tip: Find the mermaid tail piece, then the folding clam. If possible, feel for the hair piece too. I will just say it: this is an extraordinary series. It might be the best Collectable Minifigures series of all time. For a Disney geek like me, this is a literal dream come true No minifigure is truly awful, but some are definitely better than others and there are true standouts. My favorites, in no particular order, are Buzz Lightyear, Syndrome, Stitch, Ariel, Maleficent and Captain Hook. My least favorites are Genie, Alice, Daisy Duck and Mr. Incredible. But like I said, I don39t necessarily HATE any of them. That said, there are some minor, general issues. There are some obvious accessory ideas that could have been used for minifigures who either A.) have a lack of any or B.) received inappropriate ones. Also, the two additional minifigures added to this series is definitely an interesting point and may mess up the display plans that collectors already have set up for all of their CMF series. It is highly possible that two of the minifigures were tacked on at the last minute which two they were, I do not know. I39m going to hazard a guess that it was one of the pairs, or the two minifigs who aren39t partnered up (Stitch and Maleficent). I know that this series is already selling like hotcakes, so get the whole set of eighteen or the specific ones you want while you can. And let LEGO know with your wallet that you want a second series Remember, money speaks 71012 LEGO Minifigures - The Disney Series is available now from LEGO brand stores, Disney Parks, retail stores and online. I strongly advise every single one of you to hunt them down If you can find them, that is. JANGBRiCKS39 Video Review Read through this whole thing and still want more LEGO Disney Check out my evaluation of the two companies39 relationship leading up to this series. And share all of your opinions in the comments below Thanks to Huw for the photos. Apologies for the delay in publishing this review: LEGO sent me a box of figures a couple of weeks ago but they have not arrived yet so I had to wait until my local stores had them. ThrowbackThursday will return next week it39s taken me most of the day to prepare photos for this review -- Huw 61 comments on this article By OuterRimTradingCo. in Australia, 05 May 2016 14:09 Dont forget to add lack of supply to the list of criticisms. By lippidp in United States, 05 May 2016 14:11 Seems like a strange pairing: Disney is for children, but Lego is for adults ) I think you put on Malevicents cape incorrectly. Nice review. Can you next do the Germany DFB CM please Thx By SMC in United Kingdom, 05 May 2016 14:14 Ursula has back boob lol, you put it the wrong way around. By TheBrickPal in United States, 05 May 2016 14:15 Dont know about that, Id have to check. But yes, he DID put Ursulas body piece on backwards. -) By mcjaco in United States, 05 May 2016 14:15 Urlsulas boobs are on her back. By Huw in United Kingdom, 05 May 2016 14:17 By TheBrickPal in United States, 05 May 2016 14:18 Still is in the group photo -) By Huw in United Kingdom, 05 May 2016 14:26 Hopefully no-one will notice. By Alonzo Brickovsky in Poland, 05 May 2016 14:28 An excellent review of the most exciting CMF series ever. though not necessarily the best one ever. Those few issues you mention are quite substantial. I can live without some accessories, but Genies head looks just plain bad, like he has some kind of helmet. Of the more forgivable drawbacks, it would be plain torso for Mickey and Mr. Incredible looking more like his older son Dash. Ah, whatever. Who am I kidding Id buy anything by Lego, Disney-related (not counting Princess). I really hope that Castle D2C will be some grandiose, bombastic, overpriced (just a joke) display piece. By Farnold in United States, 05 May 2016 14:33 Sorry Huw, I noticed. Buts thats all right, it happens to the best of us. By ZootyCutie in United States, 05 May 2016 14:36 Great review on this Im really glad with how well these minifigures turned out in the end Ive only collected one minifigure in general so far from the blind bags. but this Disney one is REALLY turning my head towards getting more. By Faire in Czech Republic, 05 May 2016 14:41 I could sign every single word Alonozo wrote in the first paragraph. The only minifig I would really want is Maleficient - she might do a good SW villain :) By oldfan in United States, 05 May 2016 14:45 Lack of accessories is a complaint How about lack of being able to find these anywhere within hours of their release By TheBrickPal in United States, 05 May 2016 14:56 OuterRimTradingCo. oldfan Thats not a fault of the series itself. I was only reviewing what was in front of me. By jmjt4 in United States, 05 May 2016 15:02 Hope TLG adds some new pieces to the LDD. Aladins hair element would look fantastic in brown for the 11th Doctor. By Adambrick123 in United Kingdom, 05 May 2016 15:15 The one figure who really could have had accessories is Stitch. He could have had a Surfboard, a laser gun, an ice cream, a frog, or a printed square tile of the ugly duckling story book - all of these items appear in the film. By OscarWRG in Venezuela, 05 May 2016 15:17 I only want Maleficent and Stitch By Zackula in United States, 05 May 2016 15:32 Is genie the first minifig with an earring By toalewa28 in United States, 05 May 2016 15:47 What does everyone think is going to be in series 2 Definitely Lilo and Aurora. Im also hoping for Fox Robin Hood and Bear Little John seems like a no-brainer and of course Woody and possible other Toy Story characters and the rest of the Incredibles. By KyloRen0806 in Denmark, 05 May 2016 16:06 This series is fantastic, and I hope we can get more than this. If we get another series with Disney Minifigures I want to see these 18 characters: Scrooge McDuck, Goofy, Huey, Dewey, Loiue (Disney Classic), Lilo (Lilo Stitch), Kuzco (The Emperors New Groove), Joy, Fear, Anger, Sadness, Disgust (Inside Out), Merlin (The Sword in the Stone), Winnie the Pooh, Tigger, Piglet (Winnie the Pooh), Nick Wilde, Judy Hopps (Zootopia) :D By KLF in Slovakia, 05 May 2016 16:16 Donald Duck should have shorter legs By TheBrickPal in United States, 05 May 2016 16:18 I believe the reasoning for having longer legs on Mickey Friends is so that if LEGO wants to make the children from their universe eventually, those will end up with the shorter legs. Its precautionary. By Lordmoral in United States, 05 May 2016 16:56 I am only aiming for Maleficient so I will wait a bit also, there is a small imperfection on Mickey Mouse nose. By CM4Sci in United States, 05 May 2016 17:01 Wait, they have kids What By DJLeo in United States, 05 May 2016 17:19 Im so glad they made this series. The first minifigure i got was syndrome and im so happy. he is my favorite, but i also like Ursula(because of the exclusive pieces) and Mr Incredible By one wag in United Kingdom, 05 May 2016 17:24 Ursula has molded body contours. hmmm do I want a female Cthulhu. I suppose so. By TheBrickPal in United States, 05 May 2016 17:27 Donald has nephews, at least. Didnt you read -) By MeganL in United States, 05 May 2016 17:35 I dont collect minifigs, but these almost make me want to start. By SithLord196 in United States, 05 May 2016 18:27 The Peter Pan hairhat piece would be good to make a Link minifigure with (the hero of The Legend of Zelda series), not Zelda. I dont recall Zelda ever having a similar hat like that in any of the games, but I could be wrong. My apologies, I just felt the need to point that out. By TheBrickPal in United States, 05 May 2016 18:30 Youre right, my mistake. Got a bit mixed up, as theyre both in the same video game series I knew who I was talking about, it was just the names I got switched. By bkuchman in United States, 05 May 2016 19:20 I dont think the Toy Story Alien had dual-molded legs. That looks painted-on to me. By TheBrickPal in United States, 05 May 2016 19:34 Whatever the case, you know what I mean By SithLord196 in United States, 05 May 2016 19:55 No worries TheBrickPal, just thought Id point it out. I hope the tone of my comment wasnt too negative or anything. Unfortunately, I do not think a Legend of Zelda theme will happen any time soon, even though they prove to be extremely popular on Ideas. Pokemon, another Nintendo owned IP, is currently under contract with another construction toy company, and I think Lego pursuing Legend of Zelda could make things a bit messy for Nintendo and whatever that company is (cant think of it off the top of my head). By yuffie in United Kingdom, 05 May 2016 20:03 Good review but still the first minifigure series I have no interest in whatsoever. By Brickalili in United Kingdom, 05 May 2016 20:31 all-new duck tail Duck tail, a-woo-ooh By TheBrickPal in United States, 05 May 2016 20:36 And thats completely fine Not everybody is going to agree with what LEGO does. I meant for TLoZ MOCing purposes, but it is unfortunate to hear that. By quixotequest in United States, 05 May 2016 23:54 There have been some stand-outs like Cheshire, Ursula and Maleficent but I think the lack of custom accessories makes this not quite as to many CMF series. (I mean why no fabric tunic piece for Peter No Apu) Yet in the last week I have only found picked-over boxes and have only half a set so far, and havent had this much trouble finding them as with series of recent history. So its probably a good series for Legos business. By Blakus in Australia, 05 May 2016 23:56 Massive thanks for the bag feeling tips. Took us ages to get the whole of the monster figures last year. Champion By QWONOS in United States, 06 May 2016 00:14 Great review and tips on feeling these out You have great pics as always but Maleficents cape is on backwards. I picked up a few of these today and love what Im seeing. Hopefully the next wave of Disney figs isnt too far away. By Blondie-Wan in United States, 06 May 2016 00:19 While she is the only one from the Disney Princess franchise to be included in this collection of eighteen, this does allow her to be the only character so far depicted in all three different LEGO forms: Duplo figure, minidoll, and now minifigure She is indeed the first character to appear in those three particular LEGO figure varieties, but not the first character to appear in any three different LEGO figure varieties. Peter Parker Spider-Man has appeared as minifigure, Jack Stone 4 Juniors-style figure, and DUPLO figure. The Hulk has been a CCBS constraction figure, a bigfig, and a minifigure. Batman has been minifigure, CCBS constraction figure, and DUPLO. Iron Man and Captain America have both been minifigure, CCBS constraction figure, and nanofigure. R2-D2 has been a minifigure-like brick figure, a brick-built large scale figure, and a Mindstorms robot. Heck, this seriess own Mickey and Minnie Mouse have been DUPLO figures, DUPLO printed brick figures, PRIMO figures, Fabuland-like figures, and now minifigures. By legoengineer in United States, 06 May 2016 01:05 Bag feeling tip for Maleficent: she is the only figure in this series with a slope brick. By Block-n-Roll in New Zealand, 06 May 2016 01:46 Im not a CMF person at all, but theres a definite charm about these that almost - but not quite - has me interested What I cant get past (and Im surprised nobody else has pointed it out) is the rather dodgy printing and colour bleed on some of these. Mickeys nose, Peter Pans hat, the fleshy stripe that cuts through Aerials torsotail. all a bit messy. And thats a shame because it kind of lets down the team as a whole and takes some of the gloss off the standouts like Syndrome and Captain Hook. By TheBrickPal in United States, 06 May 2016 02:35 I mean all three modern (as in, still in production and all used actively) minifig forms for LEGO, but thanks for the enlightenment By Teriyaqi in United States, 06 May 2016 02:41 Is LEGO printing all the way down the legs now instead of just the upper half Thats actually really nice. By TheBigBB in United States, 06 May 2016 06:36 My problem in finding these is that the retailers seem to have no idea where to put them. I noticed them sitting up with the CANDY by the registers in my local TRU. It was only dumb luck that even led me to spotting them, as my son had run off the wrong way and led me straight past them. By deephorse in United Kingdom, 06 May 2016 08:40 The poor printing of Mickeys nose hit me straight away too. I hope its just on the review figure and not on every one produced. By Alonzo Brickovsky in Poland, 06 May 2016 13:27 I didnt notice it at first. Look at his feet as well, they look like misplaced stickers. By redrabbit in Germany, 06 May 2016 13:37 Why are Donalds legs half white By TheBrickPal in United States, 06 May 2016 14:02 Because he doesnt wear pants, and the orange part are the webbed feet. deephorse Alonzo Brickovsky While Im aware or such quality issues with these minifigs, I havent seen any other Mickey like that yet and Im assuming its just Huws copy. By LegoSolo77 in United States, 06 May 2016 20:07 Thanks for an in-depth look at the full range of figures. I wasnt terribly excited about the idea at first, yet Im starting to warm up to them. They are, for the most part, well done, and there are many pieces Id love to have for customizing. Maybe some day theyll reach my tiny neck of the woods so I can actually buy a few. UberBrick in United States, 07 May 2016 06:01 Nice review I really like Syndrome. Hes probably my favorite. Also picked up Mr. Incredible, of course. Regarding the shortage, a miracle occurred at my local Fred Meyer (in Oregon, USA), they had SEVEN BOXES chock full of Disney CMFs. Unfortunately I could not afford to buy the whole series. Only purchased 8 of em :) By jnette in United States, 07 May 2016 23:05 I completely agree with the cons, they were my first thoughts on seeing the series. More thought clearly could have been put into the accessories and details. Especially concerning the aspects that dont show off the characters as well. But regardless the character are popular and people are going to buy them anyway. - I forgot the release date and havent gone a hunting yet. I too am meticulous at the touch and feel method of deciphering the characters in the bags. Burt being that all of these figures have distinctive part it should be easy to weed out the ones you really want from the slightly disappointing figures that can be found in other sets with a better look to them. By Greendude in United Kingdom, 08 May 2016 11:16 This is the best cmf series to date. Im really surprised that these retain the 2.50 price point. The extra print detail makes these seem like a more premium product than previous cmfs. Perhaps that is why we have 18 rather than 16, is it more financially viable I would recommend everyone not planning on picking these up to see them in person somehow because photos dont do them justice and I fear youll regret it later. They are certainly the most eye-catching of all the series if displaying them is your thing. Whilst I love this series as a whole, as others have said, its not perfect. I personally dont think every character needs an accessory but there are some notable omissions and some odd design choices. Buzz Lightyear is an inferior version imo. The previous one is better, the head anyway. Aladdin should have come with his pet monkey Abu for sure as I dont see how he can be included in a future series, it wouldnt make much sense to have him with Princess Jasmine or another aladdin-theme figure. The Genie is one of the most disappointing figures. He should have had a molded head. Mickey Mouse should have pants up to his armpits. Ariel could have included some of her fishy friends. Mr Incredible, the only one I havent yet gotten so havent seen in person, seems the worst to me. If not a big fig, he should have had a molded torso and head, hes almost indistinguishable from Dash. But even these bad points cant tarnish the series as a whole and I think they look fantastic together. Im also not a blind Disney fan either. Though I do love Pixar, Star Wars and Marvel. I guess I am a Disney fan now. rapiet sword - its just rapier. By Privatematrix in Australia, 09 May 2016 22:25 Poor quality control has let this series down in my opinion. I picked up Malificent the other day, and the arms do not fit tightly in the torso. The right arm is so bad that it can fall out when handled. I assume theyre made in China By mcleod4568 in United Kingdom, 10 May 2016 05:31 I just bought a complete set from eBay. I tend to do that these days as I will end spending more money if I buy individual packs. Worked out well given all I have been reading about supply problems with this series. They do look fantastic I have to say. There are so many highlights. Captain Hook looks great with his hat, Ursulas tentacles look amazing, Mickey looks good even with a plain top, Ariel and Alices hair pieces are stunning and Buzz Lightyears suit and wings are fantastic Have to agree though about the Genie - his headpiece doesnt look that good and the Toy Story alien is a bit plain - he could have done with an accessory. By prlee in United Kingdom, 10 May 2016 09:26 Im not convinced by the design of the skirt used for Minnie Mouse. Both my kids (3 and 7) have one and both are having problems with the legs popping off the minifig. Looking at the design, if the arms of the minifig are lowered beyond a certain point they contact the skirt. Because the skirt is relatively thick, there isnt enough clutch between the legs and body to prevent the legs popping off. By pmberry in United Kingdom, 11 May 2016 23:41 Lego Store Leeds is already out of minifig stock for this series theyve been flying off the shelves By witchfinder in Spain, 15 May 2016 11:04 I hate Disney minifigures :( By Morpeth in United States, 15 May 2016 23:48 My concern about LEGO moving CMF manufacturing to China grows, look at Mickeys nose and feet, just terrible. These are 4 a pop people, not 0.99 or 1.99, I expect better for the money. Ive noticed other issues with clutch and generally looser fitting of accessories with minis that come from China. I hope LEGO is taking note. Latest reviews

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